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The National Centre for Airway Reconstruction comprises a multidisciplinary team of surgeons, physicians, anaesthetists, voice/swallowing therapists and researchers working across a group of hospitals in Central and West London. The lead for the unit is Mr Guri Sandhu, an ENT surgeon, based at Charing Cross Hospital (Imperial NHS Trust). Mr Sandhu has extensively researched the causes and treatment of adult laryngotracheal stenosis and has the greatest experience of this condition in the United Kingdom. The majority of stenosis can now be managed with minimally invasive endoscopic techniques. The more severely damaged airway may require open laryngotracheal reconstruction through resection or augmentation techniques.

Thursday, 12 March 2009

Mr Sandhu

Mr Guri Sandhu  MBBS, FRCS (ORL-HNS)

Mr Sandhu has extensively researched the causes and treatment of adult laryngotracheal stenosis and has the greatest experience of this condition in the United Kingdom. The majority of stenosis can now be managed with minimally invasive endoscopic techniques. The more severely damaged airway may require open laryngotracheal reconstruction through resection or augmentation techniques.

1 comment:

  1. Can we have more information about services you provide ??
